Monday, July 9, 2007

End of Life

At the end of life, our questions are very simple:
Did I live fully? Did I love well? by Jack Cornfield

More questions to ask...

1. Did I live happily? Did I enjoy everything? Did I feel appreciate and thankful people who around me? Did I feel abundance in love and gratitude and everything? Did I feel caring?

2. Did I feel suffering? Did I treat myself badly all the time? Did I blame people for making me worst? Did I feel frustrated and angry all the time? Did I miss the most valuable thing? Did I feel regret for everything I did, say and act?

This is the question that you will ask yourself when you are in the end of life. It is a reflection of what you had done in your life.

I am sure that I will ask myself for the first one (No.1). Happy, Joy, Appreciate, Love, Caring, Gratitude and Treasure....

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